Personal Development

Embrace strong emotions through reframing

Embracing the Upside of Strong Emotions: A Practical Guide to Reframe Your Perspective Introduction Emotions are an integral part of the human experience. They shape our interactions, decisions, and overall well-being. Often, we tend to associate strong emotions like anger, fear, or sadness with negativity. However, these emotions can serve as powerful catalysts for personal […]

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Harnessing the Power of Strong Emotions: Mastering Your Workplace Emotional Intelligence

Introduction In the fast-paced and demanding world of work, it’s not uncommon to experience strong emotions that can either propel us forward or hinder our progress. Emotions are an integral part of being human, and rather than viewing them as a burden, we can learn to channel them in a positive way. By mastering our

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Develop yourself being an Agile Leader: 4 days in 4 months

Increase the Agility of Work: Leadership is no longer about leading only, it is about true ownership and aligning your leadership abilities and behaviours with it.  Our simple, intuitive program empowers people to quickly understand, adapt, and improve their way of working and processes to speed execution. Eliminate Productivity Killers: Frictionless sharing with stakeholders eliminates

Develop yourself being an Agile Leader: 4 days in 4 months Read More »