XL-Growth B.V.


Home of Accelerating Growth

XL-Growth B.V.
30+ years experience
International, 40+ countries
Leadership Development
Executive Coaching
Sales & Business Development
Customer Logistics
Learning & Development
Operations Management
Supply Chain
Executive Leadership
Portfolio Management
Program & Project Management
Change Management

Growth is always about people. 

How do you make people grow at work? Leadership, team work, and ensuring personal development. 

The common denominator is learning.  This is what XL-Growth focuses on: Accelerating (un)learning for individuals, teams and organizations to facilitate business growth.

Processes and systems can be optimized, not people. 

The business model should always include the following priorities:

  1. Invest in your people and their leaders: they create the best services and products for your customers.
  2. Capable and motivated people create the best service and products, which your customers choose to buy.
  3. Customer experience drives profit: superb delivery of your  services and products allow for premium prices, thus healthy profit. This also differentiates you from competitors and make you stand out in the market. 
  4. Profit allows investment in your people again, developing business further and faster.

Accelerating Growth!

XL-Growth’s services are about helping to accelerate your growth, also through your people. Through proven development & growth approaches for individuals, teams or (part of the) organization or through first applying a quick scan for a part of the organization to find blockades and new ways to develop and grow.

Experience in various management roles for more than 30 years enables us to provide a fresh and innovative view on how you and your organization can grow faster. More on our experience here: about

Focus on Growth


Business & leadership coaching, mixed with mentoring to find the breakthrough/s needed to perform and feel better. Includes a coaching app that facilitates even more growth in between sessions. 

It’s all about you, you and you!

More on coaching


A critical approach for making a significant step-up in managing performance. Always through being on the work-floor with you and your teams. 

It’s all about understanding the quality & performance in your organization!


Need a training? Digital, face-to-face? Learning on the job? A learning app? Micro Learning, or a learning needs analysis? Development of training material, training facilitation, train-the-trainer sessions, etc. 

It’s all about learning!

What are you looking for?

Coaching | Leadership Development | Training | Operations Optimization | Customer Experience | Smart Operations | Change Management | Transformation | Project/Program & Portfolio Management | Business Development | Lean | Learning & Development | Interim Management | Other support or a brand new idea…

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